
It’s been a while since the second post, maybe I’m exaggerating, two days to be more precise. I started to work out but I only done once.

I need some motivation to do it more often.

As for work I’m trying to find something else, changing careers could be more helpful. Don’t get me wrong I love what I’m doing but I feel somehow stuck in the same routine, the same people, and the same problems. I think it is also because I don’t like some of my colleagues and the management department.

So, I am trying to find something new, something that gives me motivation to get out of the bed in the morning, that brings me joy and happiness, that doesn’t occupy most of my time, gives me freedom to travel and be around of the people that I love. Maybe something online, I’ve been trying to find courses and that are interesting.

That’s one of main goals this year. This and the exercise.

Let’s hope for the best and pray – or not.


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